Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Niche

This was sparked from this video: Evolution is NOT a ladder

Some species survive because they're big, some species survive because they are small, some species survive because they're agile, some species survive because they're hidden, some species survive because they reproduce really fast, some species survive because their ecosystem has no predators, some species survive because they are poisonous, some species survive because they protect each other in groups, some species survive because they are intelligent.

That's us at the end, we are the intelligent social species, that is our niche. It is no more special than being the biggest, the most agile, or the strongest. In our case, we would lose almost every fight against another species mano y mano who have evolved to fill these niches. But that is to be expected, it is our niche to be social and intelligent.

We work in groups and use tools at our disposal in order to fend off predators and thrive in our environment. We happily enjoy this niche since it allows us to investigate intellectual pursuits such as the arts and sciences. But, with these advantages, we have weaknesses in other areas. This comes with the territory of our niche; however, it does not mean that we are evolutionary better to be intelligent than it is to occupy any other niche. We thrive by using our intellect, so go out and use it.

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