Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Atheists being closed-minded and intolerant?

Being closed-minded, I would doubt that it would describe the majority of atheists or even a small percentage. Just because we are quick to dismiss an idea, does not mean we are closed minded. I am quick to dismiss the flat-Earth hypothesis, alchemy, homeopathy, etc. but that does not mean that I would not investigate new evidence if it were to be discovered. As it is said, "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."

I am not even sure why being intolerant (especially if you include harsh criticism to be intolerance, which I disagree that it does) of some actions would be considered bad. When a group is causing harm, I would hope people wouldn't tolerate such actions. In that regard I agree, atheists, well at least I, are intolerant of discrimination, willful ignorance, credulity, impediments to law enforcement, people forcing their belief's onto others, as well as other actions. But that doesn't apply to all religious philosophies, I am perfectly tolerant of people who follow Jainism, Ubuntu, the Dharma, humanism, etc. So I wouldn't say that atheists are intolerant to religion, just some religious philosophies (and only with when stretching the definition of intolerance to include harsh criticism, which I don't think is sufficient), since there are many religious philosophies that are either benign or positive.

I think it would be more accurate to say that most atheists are more disrespectful to some religious beliefs rather than being intolerant of them. That would be one point that I wouldn't hesitate to concede, but I think its a misuse of the word to label most atheists as intolerant and closed-minded.

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